1. Introduction
Sindh, a nation-state for centuries prior to British occupation, joined the federation of Pakistan on the basis of the 1940 Lahore Resolution; where-in it was promised by the All India Muslim League that all constituent nations would be autonomous and sovereign. However, in collusion with neo-colonial imperialists, domestic bourgeoisie and the feudal aristocracy, the state of Pakistancould not be transformed into a genuine federation so far. Military dictatorships followed by weak democratic governments have been playing a game of musical chairs, to deprive the people of small nations of the right to own & control their natural resources and manage their socio-economic development as they deem fit. In spite of unplanned & un-sustainable exploitation of natural resources of the constituent units, Pakistan has ended up borrowing billions of dollars to support corruption and bad governance by the ruling elite. Millions of illegal aliens and economic migrants have been forcibly settled in Sindh, thereby threatening the demographic & cultural balance and pushing Sindhi people into the vicious circle of poverty and poor standards of living.
The Sindh Taraqi Pasand Party (STP) has been engaged in socio- political activism in Pakistansince last two decades, by struggling against despotism, theocratic & fascist terrorism, and economic exploitation of smaller constituent units with a special focus on Sindh and Sindhi people. It is now poised to play a pivotal role in parliamentary politics of Pakistan, by contesting elections and undertaking formal activities in political and developmental spheres as an organized institution.
Membership of the STP is open for all citizens of Pakistan; men and women of 18 years and above, without any discrimination of religion, language, caste, creed, and color.