The STP District Council

3.2          The STP District Council

  1. Each district level organization, depending upon the number of Union Councils, population and party membership, shall have a District Council comprising of 50 to 100 party members/ activists, to be nominated by the STP Central Committee in consultation with the Party Chairperson and General Secretary.  Preferably, each Union Council shall be represented in the STP District Council.

  1. The District Council shall elect, through secret ballot, the 7 office bearers and 12 additional members of the District Executive Committee (DEC).  The district level office bearers shall include: President, General Secretary, Joint secretary, Information secretary and Treasurer.  The term of district level office bearers shall be 2 years.

The district office bearers headed by the President, and in consultation with the DEC, shall manage the party affairs in their respective districts, promote membership, collect membership fees and other revenues if any; and provide 40% of the monthly income to the Party Chairperson/ General Secretary for central party fund.  They shall prudently use the remaining funds and maintain auditable accounts for due scrutiny.