The STP Sindh Council

The STP Sindh Council

  1. The STP Sindh Council shall be an Advisory Body which will comprise of the full Central Committee and 90 other members who may or may not be the basic/ primary members of the STP.  They shall be nominated by the Party Chairman in consultation with the Central Office Bearers and/or the members of the Central Committee and District Office Bearers.

  1. The STP Sindh Council shall meet at least three times in each calendar year to review the political situation and the political graph of the STP in Sindh as well as in different districts.  Emergent meetings of the STP Sindh Council may be called by the Party Chairperson on the advice of the General Secretary as deemed fit.  The quorum for STP Sindh Council Meetings shall be 40% of total membership.

  1. The STP Sindh Council shall not take any decisions on its own but shall make recommendations for improving the performance of the party in handling various social, economic and political issues in the overall interest of Sindh.

The resolutions of the STP Sindh Council shall be given due weight by the Central Committee and the Central as well as district level office bearers of the STP while taking decisions for implementation at various levels.