General Council/ Party Congress

General Council/ Party Congress

  1. The General Council, also known as Party Congress, shall comprise of the full central committee, the secretaries of all special purpose committees, the office bearers of district level party organizations and the office bearers of various party wings, fronts and forums.

  1. The General Council shall normally meet once a year to discuss and approve any proposed amendments to constitution, rules, regulations and bye-laws; scrutinize and approve party budgets and accounts; and to conduct general elections after a period of 2 years through the Party Elections Committee (PEC) to be constituted by the Central Committee headed by the Party Chairman
  1. An emergent meeting of the General Council may be called by the Party Chairperson, at an advance notice of 7 days.  For the regular meetings of the General Council, the period of advance notice shall be 21 days and the agenda & working paper of such regular meetings shall be sent to each member at least one week in advance. 
  1. The General Council and/or other committees and all party wings, fronts and forums shall follow the One Person- One Vote democratic principle in making all decisions and in conducting various elections. 
  1. The quorum for an Emergent Meeting of the General Council shall be 50 members, while the quorum for a regular meeting of the General Council/ Congress shall be 80 members. 
One – third of the total number of the members of General Council/ Congress may ask in black and white to the STP General Secretary to convene a Requisition Meeting of the Congress for discussing a maximum of 2 proposed agenda items deserving urgent decision of the Congress, as perceived by them.