The Central Committee (CC)

  The Central Committee (CC)

  1. The Central Committee shall, inclusive of the Central Office Bearers, consist of 29 members to be elected by the General Body/ Congress.  It shall act as the Central Executive Council and meet under the chairmanship of Party Chairman/ Chairperson, every alternate month, to manage the party affairs, make policy oriented decisions as well as give strategic guidelines.
  1. Emergent meetings of the Central Committee shall be called by the Party Chairman as deemed fit, at a notice of 24 hours. 

  1. During the leave of absence of the Chairman, the Party Senior Vice Chairman/  Person shall preside the meeting of the Central Committee.

  1. The quorum for a regular meeting of the Central Committee shall be 17 members. The quorum for an Emergent Meeting of the Central Committee shall be 11 members inclusive of the Party Chairman.

  1. In the event there is an even number of votes in favor and/or against a motion or decision, the vote of chairman shall be the deciding vote.